
2024年2月15日—algorithmforcontent-awareimageresizingbyS.AvidanandA.Shamir,whichfindsandremovesseams(leastimportantpaths),Seamcarving(orliquidrescaling)isanalgorithmforcontent-awareimageresizing,developedbyShaiAvidan,ofMitsubishiElectricResearchLaboratories ...,接縫裁剪(Seamcarving),是一個可以針對圖像內容做正確縮放的算法(由ShaiAvidan和ArielShamir所發表)。概念上,算法會找出一系列的接縫(sea...

seam carving

2024年2月15日 — algorithm for content-aware image resizing by S. Avidan and A. Shamir, which finds and removes seams (least important paths)

Seam carving

Seam carving (or liquid rescaling) is an algorithm for content-aware image resizing, developed by Shai Avidan, of Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories ...


接縫裁剪(Seam carving),是一個可以針對圖像內容做正確縮放的算法(由Shai Avidan和Ariel Shamir所發表)。概念上,算法會找出一系列的接縫(seam)(接縫是在圖像 ...

seam carving

(computer graphics) A technique for resizing images so as to preserve the main contents by selectively removing less important regions, as defined by seams ( ...

seam carving_百度百科

Seam Carving是一個在線拉伸壓縮圖片的Flash應用。

Seam Carving for Content

由 S Avidan 著作 · 被引用 2426 次 — We illustrate the application of seam carving and insertion for as- pect ratio change, image retargeting, image content enhancement, and object removal.

Seam Carving 圖像演算法,改變圖片長寬比例後卻不違和

2018年2月9日 — #知識百科#電腦王#教學#新聞#技術研究#圖像處理#seam carving. ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. 留言. 使用Facebook 留言. 最愛排行榜. 1 微軟證實將於2024 ...


Tag wikis help introduce newcomers to the tag. They contain an overview of the topic defined by the tag, along with guidelines on its usage. All registered ...